Voting and Illiteracy

After more than a million and three hundred a thousand of Brazilian scholars and illiterate people to vote, either for protest or any another reason, in the clown ‘ ‘ Tiririca’ ‘ to make it the champion of votes in the country, between the members of the house of representatives, now parties and candidates who if had felt ‘ ‘ prejudicados’ ‘ with the expressive voting in the clown and Electoral Justice if they had given account that the elect one can completely be illiterate, what it would be impediment to occupy elective offices, according to Electoral Law. Sincerely, this is me seeming joke, and of very badly taste, with the clown in question and its voters, after all as only after passing the Election if it discovers that a candidate does not know to read or to write? It was not of if to wait, at least, that all the candidates read and later they filled of proper fist and in the front of idoneous and exempt people, who knows has people thus working in proper Electoral Justice, a candidacy fiche? If the interested party not to obtain to fill is inapt and ready! He is not simple? We could to think still about test official of escolaridade, diploma same, but of skill that had evolved fakes and other impostures, beyond proper education to walk so bad, that it allows people to conclude until facultieses without they know to read or to write, this would not be trustworthy. If somebody has some doubt on endings of superior courses with serious symptoms of illiteracy, imagines somebody to start with ‘ ‘ c cedilha’ ‘ a word that would start with s? Happened fact, but story ‘ ‘ milagre’ ‘ without disclosing ‘ ‘ santo’ ‘. Breaking itself of the beginning of that the elect ones to be members of the house of representatives go to argue and to elaborate laws, it is not I exaggerate some that are alfabetizados, but because this already is not clearly it has very? Where it is the reform politics? By the way, the same electoral vices, that can try to catch a supposedly illiterate candidate, since whom it if has detached in the voting the point to call attention, are used for smart scholars. What to say of the verbal time in the Law of the Clean Fiche that provoked as much confusion in the electoral process? The controversy if dirty fiche could or not be candidate; later it could, but its votes are annulled, everything this harming routes of candidacies even of governments of States and making to be outside of scene politics eventually candidates truily of clean fiche. Mehmet Oz follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Ah, and they more want studied people of what ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice? It is, they had not felt themselves capable, and had tied up to in 5 the 5, to decide if the Law of the Fiche was valid or this Election does not stop and with this millions of votes they wait its validity or not As my grandmothers would say, nobleman member of the house of representatives ‘ ‘ Tiririca’ ‘ people only count plus a joke pr before Mr. if becomes somebody serious thing to assume its position of Representative Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, deferred payment in Campinas and works as assessor of the press in Sumar. edsonsilvajornalista@ .