Advertising portal offers integrated shop with a now-purchase option Munich, March 23, 2010 beyond the region: nationwide also buy and sell professional shops is now possible on With the new option of buy it now\”, all commercial vendors can sell now even more convenient online and so easy and free to make online trading via Buyer offered a comprehensive, nationwide by the new service on The establishment of the own commercial shop on is easy and free of charge. Thus the marketplace for Germany once again expanded the scope of its services and has numerous user requests.
You want to sell your goods online? Only three steps are needed for the establishment of an industrial, national and free online store: creating a profile, apply for the quality label and then switch the articles on display in the own Internet shop. 1 step: Creating a profile first registered the seller on Then be in one’s own Profile on my\”entered the address data, terms and conditions, shipping options and payment methods and other compulsory information for commercial deals. There, you can store information about supply and the provider itself, such as for example the own Web address. 2 step: Each provider register label commercial or private – can apply for free a seal of approval by
Either get sent the label code by regular mail or in the uberweisungstext of 1-cent transfer on the bank account. Enter this code on and already the appears label next to the own ads in hit list, as well as in the detail of the offer. The label shows potential buyers that the provider in particular can be trusted. Seller will receive therefore also nationally more resonance. 3 step: Offer articles about ad Finally, we need to fill even the shop with own articles about the placement of advertisements.