Another Relation

The look the sartreana perspective on the existencialismo if shows sufficiently significant, since its main one estimated is that ' ' the existence precedes essncia' ' ; thus Sartre wants to value the category of the existence since in all philosophical tradition it is always was the edge. The existencialista philosophy also can be called […]


The true end of the State is, therefore, liberdade.' '. Soon for Espinosa, the end and the bedding of the State reason to say what is the Freedom according to it is thought and to teach what it is thought, freeing the men of all fear. In the base of ' beddings of the Estado' […]

Allegoriker Idea

It reappears in the modern version of the myth. This inteface politics in the baudelariana poetry appears considering the hierarchic position and pointing the libertarian direction, a time that the system abandoned the guard of the small things. For Benjamim it is necessary to reassume the allegiance to the particular one. The universal one cannot […]