So, to cater to such a fussy with a gift, you need to know it very well:) And in the U.S. even has a special holiday – Baby Shower. His suit just to future kid a bunch of different and useful things – from clothing to toys. 7-8 months of pregnancy – it's time to think about it! On the feast of friends are going to the future moms and jokes, funny bestowed hero for the day. Incidentally, the American practicality can learn: before any holiday, they are Wish List, the so-called "Wish List" so that guests are always presented with only what you need. We have a phenomenon not common (for how long?).
However, we too often "we order" for Gifts relatives and close friends. Holidays and we did. But for all the love for the future baby on your birthday so wanted to get a gift that is not associated with pregnancy! And a friend of mine told no one about their pregnancy until until it was already very noticeable. So, choosing the gift pregnant girlfriend should take into account this fact. Generally, all gifts to the future of mums can be divided into several large groups. First Party Gifts – Cosmetics for pregnant women. Any creams stretch marks, breast firming oil, shower gel, soap for personal hygiene – all that "chemistry" is very much needed a pregnant girl, she will remain in her "good form. But during pregnancy you want to be even more beautiful! So, "a set of tools for the mother – one of the most desired gifts for future mom.