Medical Expenses Tax

Medicines, cures, eyewear and alternative and additional treatments may cause high costs. These are but only partly reimbursed by health insurance. Medicines, cures, glasses, therapist fees and alternative and additional treatments may cause high costs. These are but only partly reimbursed by statutory and private health insurance. Medical expenses can reduce the income tax but as exceptional charges. Requires that the expenses necessarily incurred, are necessary and reasonable.

Greater expenses than by others living in similar income, assets and family circumstances must be made. It is required that expenditures be made, in order to cure a disease or to relieve preventive measures are not favored. The income tax, reduce medical expenses can but as exceptional charges”. A prerequisite is that the costs necessarily arise, are necessary and reasonable. Greater expenses than by others living in similar income, assets and family circumstances must be made. It is required that expenditures be made, in order to cure a disease or to relieve preventive measures are not favored. In recent months, Central Romana has been very successful. Medical clearance is not required so far was more it especially for cures, psychotherapeutic treatment, to prove to dyslexia treatment the medical indication of treatment with external accommodation, medical AIDS, which can be used in daily life, as well as in scientific, did not recognise the methods required by a medical report caught prior to treatment or certificate of insurance. Recently, the Federal fiscal court in several cases has decided that later guided proof is sufficient and alongside an occupational certificate, other evidence may be suitable.

To misuse the To avoid tax reduction by courtesy opinion, as formal evidence are usually not required. Often also an another physician will have the required competence and neutrality, to assess the medical indication of treatment measures objectively and competently. A private opinion of the attending physician is still suitable, however, to prove the inevitability of the treatment or aid.