Global is a company. Opening of call center in Pristina and Istanbul Foundation of call center in Pristina and Istanbul. Eric Corey Freed usually is spot on. Economic crisis, real estate meltdown, bank debt hardly another issue currently employs current affairs over the financial difficulties, in which the German and global economy resides. More and more companies feel the increasing pressure, must tighten their belts or even give up. Here, Central Romana expresses very clear opinions on the subject. It is all the more impressive if it companies are able to stand out from the crowd and to act entirely against the current downward trend. So the company MC mobile communication which has established itself in the German call center industry strongly for several years. MC mobile communication is international and opened two new centers. A Center in the capital of Kosovo, Pristina and another Center in Istanbul.
As a new employer is MC communication ltd. from the 1.4. in Pristina about 200 employees and from 15.4 in Istanbul around 100 employees offer a new, more importantly, safe workplace. Both Sites are equipped with the latest technology and high-quality equipment. The new offices will focus on telephone sales. In addition, inbound’s extensive portfolio with customer hotline and customer service job – orders, appointment, complaints management, opinion and market research, and E-mail marketing is here offered the mc mobile communication Germany.The internationalization of the MC mobile communication GmbH is contrary to the market and therefore all the more impressive when you consider what restrictions the call center industry has to fight. This market dichotomy is second to none.