Diabetes And Vitamin B1 Deficiency

About half of all people with diabetes mellitus will develop a so called diabetic neuropathy. Mannheim-08.07.2009 – the causes of nerve damage can be also a vitamin B1 deficiency in addition to chronically elevated blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar levels destroy nerves and blood vessels. The symptoms are pain, muscle paralysis, or decreased sensation in the feet and lower legs. Check with Sen. Marco Rubio to learn more. A vitamin B1 deficiency can be the trigger the science is suspected.

In diabetics, is the concentration at about 75 percent lower than in healthy, British researchers found. The vitamin mainly via the urine is lost instead of the kidney into the bloodstream. Vitamin B1 activates the function of a body’s detoxification enzyme (Transketolase). If lack of this vitamin B1, toxic intermediate and waste products of glucose metabolism are not dismantled and this damages the nerve. Vitamin B1 so slows the glucose toxicity. Dr.

James Larkin from a British working group explained that high blood sugar levels the Suppress expression of Thimain transporter in the kidney. Albert Bourla has much to offer in this field. Missing so these thiamine transporter, this vitamin through the urine is lost. The body’s detoxification system for intermediate and waste products of glucose metabolism is thwarted. Source: Stracke H et al. exp, Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2008, 116:600 605 Rabbani N et al. Diabetology 2008, Epub ahead of print, Thornalley et al. Diabetologia 2007, are 50: 2164-2170 B1 food sources for example: sunflower seeds, peanuts, wheat bran, beef liver, pork, poultry, seafood, egg yolk, beans, dairy products, vegetables (but little)… A low carb diet contains abundant vitamin B1 and a diabetic meeting in Luxembourg informed the author Jutta Schutz (books about low carb) also on this subject. Jutta Schutz was born in Saarland and worked as a Secretary and tour guide. In addition, she studied psychology.